..passages evoke a minimalistic approach, though always in the composer's own unique way[...]
always with the purpose of serving the musical idea. Composer particularly pays attention to textures and harmonies as he skillfully and imaginatively blends them into whole.
/The American Prize in Composition 2020/
Helena Michelson
Jakub Polaczyk is internationally recognized outstanding composer and pianist.
Leonardo Balada
...an intimate, cinematic climate of mystery and warmth...
Polaczyk’s very meticulous and dreamy piano playing that pays close attention to mood.
Take Effect, 2023
Clearly, we are dealing with a talented composer with a vast imagination here...
/Fanfare Magazine 2023/
Jakub Polaczyk's "Oratio Fatima" sets up a lachrymose atmosphere [...] and there are some effective vocal “swooning” gestures.
/Fanfare Magazine 2021/
Colin Clarke
Jakub Polaczyk is musician's musician. He loves music and devotes his life to being a creative composer, pianist and much loved teacher. I have very much enjoyed working with him.
Christine Walevska
"... dazzling narration with vivid colorful flickering ... Polaczyk says that by this music plays chess with us, if it does so without cheating, gambits and for fun"
/Ruch Muzyczny/ Piotr Mika, 2023
...piece is excellent, among the best quartets I’ve heard in recent years
David Mecionis, New York Composers Circle, 2024
...innovative approach to combining American and European musical traditions, creating a sense of movement and beauty that was captivating.
/The World Piano Day/ Dirk Brossé - Head of the jury, Antwerp 2025
collaborative pianist
solo pianist